BIRDSONG SWEET JASMINE was born on April 2, 2016. Her sire is HOMETOWN IRRESISTABLE and her dam is BIRDSONG SHIRLEY ROSE VG 88.
Jasmine is registered as 87.5% pure with Jersey Canada; please click on the Jersey Canada logo to view her pedigree. If bred with a registered purebred Jersey bull, Jasmine's heifer calves can be registered as 93.7% pure.
Jasmine is tested as A2A2 for A2 Beta Casein, BB for Kappa Casein, and BB for Beta Lactoglobulin. She is on official milk test:
1st, 2-2, 273 DIM; 5146 kg milk, 291 kg fat @ 5.7%, 202 kg protein @ 3.9%; BCA 208 217 215
She is genotyped with the LD SNP panel, and she has a GPA LPI of 1320 with a DGV of 1376 (Aug*19; 59% reliability); please click here to view the details of her genomic evaluation. Jasmine tested negative for JH1 and JH2 (Jersey Haplotype 1 & 2), and her inbreeding percentage is 6.34%.®num=11315978
Jasmine placed 4th in the Junior Calf class at the Interior Provincial Exhibition in Armstrong in 2016.
Jasmine has given birth to three calves, and their names and birth dates are:
Jasmine is registered as 87.5% pure with Jersey Canada; please click on the Jersey Canada logo to view her pedigree. If bred with a registered purebred Jersey bull, Jasmine's heifer calves can be registered as 93.7% pure.
Jasmine is tested as A2A2 for A2 Beta Casein, BB for Kappa Casein, and BB for Beta Lactoglobulin. She is on official milk test:
1st, 2-2, 273 DIM; 5146 kg milk, 291 kg fat @ 5.7%, 202 kg protein @ 3.9%; BCA 208 217 215
She is genotyped with the LD SNP panel, and she has a GPA LPI of 1320 with a DGV of 1376 (Aug*19; 59% reliability); please click here to view the details of her genomic evaluation. Jasmine tested negative for JH1 and JH2 (Jersey Haplotype 1 & 2), and her inbreeding percentage is 6.34%.®num=11315978
Jasmine placed 4th in the Junior Calf class at the Interior Provincial Exhibition in Armstrong in 2016.
Jasmine has given birth to three calves, and their names and birth dates are:
- Quel'Thalas, born June 8, 2018
- Reggie, born May 23, 2019
- Shazam, born June 6, 2020
- Birdsong Mountain Heather, born July 28, 2021