BIRDSONG PRINCESS BEATRIX was born on Sicor Farms on July 4, 2018. Beatrix's sire is PLEASANT NOOK WR TEQUILAS VENOM, and her dam is BIRDSONG PRINCESS CHARLOTTE. Beatrix is registered with Jersey Canada; please click on the Jersey Canada logo to view her pedigree.
Beatrix is the first Jersey heifer calf born on Sicor Farms, and so I named her after Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in honour of my fiance's family's Dutch heritage.
Beatrix is tested as A1A1 for A2 Beta Casein, BB for Kappa Casein, and AB for Beta Lactoglobulin.
Beatrix's first calf, Sully, was born on August 25, 2020.
Beatrix is the first Jersey heifer calf born on Sicor Farms, and so I named her after Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in honour of my fiance's family's Dutch heritage.
Beatrix is tested as A1A1 for A2 Beta Casein, BB for Kappa Casein, and AB for Beta Lactoglobulin.
Beatrix's first calf, Sully, was born on August 25, 2020.